Italian Chocolate Mousse Cake

theres no want to show on the oven to make this sensational chocolate mousse cake

The ingredient of Italian Chocolate Mousse Cake

  • 450g excellent pleasant dark chocolate
  • 4 eggs
  • 250g caster sugar
  • 500ml 2 cups thick cream lightly whipped
  • 100ml 5 tablespoons rum
  • 500ml 2 cups prepared sturdy black espresso
  • 450g savoiardi sponge finger biscuits
  • cocoa to dirt

The Instruction of italian chocolate mousse cake

  • ufeffplace the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water dont allow the bowl contact the water till the chocolate melts set apart to chill whisk the eggs with half of the sugar until faded fold the chocolate into egg mixture then cautiously fold in the cream and refrigerate
  • add ultimate sugar and the rum to hot espresso stirring to dissolve sugar dip half of the biscuits in the coffee mixture and area a layer in the base of a 24cm springform pan absolutely overlaying base spread chocolate aggregate over pinnacle
  • dip closing biscuits in coffee and area over top cover and freeze overnight
  • transfer to fridge half of hour earlier than serving dust with cocoa

Nutritions of Italian Chocolate Mousse Cake

fatContent: 929 471 calories
saturatedFatContent: 44 grams fat
carbohydrateContent: 26 grams saturated fat
sugarContent: 112 grams carbohydrates
fibreContent: 87 grams sugar
proteinContent: n a
cholesterolContent: 14 grams protein
sodiumContent: 257 milligrams cholesterol

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